Ali Omar Ahmed Mahmoud
Central Metallurgical R & D Institute (CMRDI)
I‘m a member of Electronic and magnetic Materials Division. Central metallurgical research and development Institute (CMRDI). I’m previously awarded a scientific mission to European Institute of Membranes University of Montpellier 2 France for 3 months funded from French Culture Institute at French embassy at Cairo. I’m published 10 papers in International Journal as well as I’m participated in at least 12 local and international projects. I have published several papers in several international journals such as physical chemistry chemical physics, RSC Advances, Materials and Design , materials science materials in electronics, , Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Also I have experienced in synthesis of materials with different wet chemicals routes and characterization of the final samples products with different instrumentation. Now I’m joined advanced energy materials lab, university of science and technology, Beijing, China to work in the Fuel cell technology as a talented young scientist
Research Interest
synthesis of materials with different wet chemicals routes and characterization of the final samples products with different instrumentation.